Tell State Farm: Stop funding voter suppression
We wrote State Farm to let them know that more than 100,000 ColorOfChange members have asked that they disassociate themselves from ALEC. We made sure State Farm knew that through their membership in ALEC, they supported racially-discriminatory voter ID laws that have the potential to disenfranchise over 5 million people in the upcoming elections.
After hearing that information, companies like Coca-Cola, McDonald's and even Wal-Mart all decided to end their relationships with ALEC. But despite correspondence including letters and telephone conversations, we can't get State Farm's management to give us a commitment that they'll leave ALEC. They need to know that people like you want them to do the right thing.
Will you help us hold State Farm accountable for supporting voter suppression? Please take a moment to call State Farm and demand that they stop supporting ALEC.