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On Tuesday, June 7, 2016, Judge Elaine Lu decided to sentence Jasmine “Abdullah” Richards, a Pasadena Black Lives Matter leader, to 90 days in jail and 3 years probation following her persecution by L.A. District Attorney Jackie Lacey and the Pasadena Police Department for attempted lynching. This unjust sentencing has made a mockery of our justice system and sends a chilling message to social justice advocates across the country. We must continue the fight!
Our fight for Jasmine “Abdullah” Richards’ freedom is now in the hands of Governor Jerry Brown, who has the executive power to right Judge Lu and District Attorney Lacey's wrong-doing. Brown has a track record of using his pardon powers liberally. During his terms as Governor, he pardoned hundreds of people. With enough public pressure, we can make him do the same for Jasmine and send a strong message to prosecutors who think they can use their power to silence protest.
We flew to Pasadena on June 7th to stand with Black Lives Matter, 18 Million Rising and Democracy For America and other Jasmine supporters to deliver over 80,000 signatures from ColorOfChange. We chanted "I believe that we will win" and in a way we did. Jasmine could have received as much as four years in prison but, with time served, she will be home in about 2 1/2 months. Still, without a pardon, Jasmine will be regulated to second-class citizenship as a convicted felon.
According to those in the courtroom, the judge was visibly stunned by the number of petitions when Jasmine's lawyer presented them and indicated she was inclined not to seek jail time before eventually bending to the insistence of the prosecutor. It was a powerful action but our efforts must not stop until Jasmine is free and prosecutors understand that we won't stand by while they target movement leaders.
Following Jasmine's sentencing, Black Lives Matter Co-Founder, Patrisse Khan-Cullors stated, "Sentencing decisions like this one--along with last week’s light sentence for a Stanford athlete convicted of rape--show all too clearly that there are different, if unspoken, rules in our country’s justice system depending on one’s race, gender and class." We will continue to fightback to abolish the oppressive, unwritten rules for sentencing in this country!
Join us in calling for Governor Jerry Brown to pardon Jasmine “Abdullah” Richards' sentence:
Dear Governor Brown:
I am writing you to ask that you pardon Black Lives Matter activist, Jasmine 'Abdullah' Richards.
On Tuesday, Judge Elaine Lu sentenced Jasmine “Abdullah” Richards to 90 days in jail and 3 years probation following her prosecution by L.A. District Attorney Jackie Lacey and the Pasadena Police Department on attempted lynching charges. L.A. District Attorney Jackie Lacey and the Pasadena Police Department have trivialized an anti-lynching law meant to protect Black communities and, now, Judge Lu validated that persecution by allowing them to use her courtroom as a tool to silence Richards and intimidate other Black activists.
You have the executive power to right Judge Lu and District Attorney Lacey's wrongdoing. We are asking that put justice ahead of politics and pardon Jasmine “Abdullah” Richards.
[Your Name Here]