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After nearly 90,000 ColorOfChange members raised their voices, Richland County Sheriff Leon Lott fired Officer Ben Fields, but he is not facing any criminal charges.
While Fields' firing was absolutely necessary, he is not alone in shouldering the blame for this incident. The educators who involved a police officer in this minor disciplinary issue and the policy makers who have failed to limit the role of police in schools must also be held accountable.
Join us in urging Richland School District 2 authorities to investigate the school officials who called Officer Fields and to strictly limit the role of police in their schools.
This is the letter we'll send to Richland School District 2 officials on your behalf. Feel free to add a personal comment in the space provided.
Dear Richland School District Two Superintendent Dr. Debbie Hamm and Richland School District Two School Board Members,
I am urge you to investigate the school officials who called Officer Fields and to strictly limit the role of police in your district's schools.
Videos of Officer Fields brutally assaulting a peaceful Black Spring Valley student shocked the nation. And although Officer Fields was recently fired, the officials and policies that supported him remain. Some school officials even went so far as issuing statements in support of Officer Fields after the videos went viral, saying they didn't think he used excessive force. Any school official who found his criminal behavior acceptable shouldn't be educating our children.
The bottom line: Fields should have never been called in the first place. As long as school officials are allowed to call the police for any minor school issue, we can expect to see more and more tragic cases like this one. I urge you to investigate the school officials who supported Officer Fields and to prohibit police from responding to anything but the most serious school safety concerns.