Recently, the Department of Justice (DOJ) failed to indict Officer Darren Wilson for racially profiling and brutally killing Michael Brown. While the DOJ found Ferguson and St. Louis police guilty of widespread abuse, racial profiling, and brutal misconduct, it's not enough.
Darren Wilson should have been indicted and made to see a day in court for his brutal action — a child was killed for being Black. And the DOJ's failure to do so highlights deep seated, structural problems that President Obama must fix in order to protect civil rights and keep our families safe.
The reality is, Ferguson is America. Police unjustly kill Black and brown people almost every week and President Obama has a responsibility to intervene. But he will only do so if we escalate our pressure and make this a priority. Will you email the White House to demand an executive order enforcing and expanding federal bans on discriminatory policing?
Here's the email that we will send to the White House as soon as you submit your signature. Please personalize your message to show President Obama that you are deeply invested in transforming policing.