Call LAUSD NOW to Stop Them from Displacing Black Children at Baldwin Hills

Baldwin Hills is one of the last standing, unapologetically Black school in gentrified L.A. The school district wants to take school seats and classrooms away from us, local Black families, and give them to a charter school busing in kids from another part of town. Black children are being gentrified out of our neighborhoods and our schools.
Call L.A. Unified School District to tell them to do their job and find another space for the charter school. We’re here and this school site is already occupied by a top-performing public school created for and by the Black community. L.A. Unified School district wants to give our music, arts, technology lab, and our innovative parent-run school childcare program to a charter school.
We can’t let that happen. On May 1st, Baldwin Hill parents and community members were supposed to testify at a recent L.A. Unified School Board of Education. But, they pulled a sketchy move and changed our testimony time much earlier in the day so most of our parents -- majority working Black and Brown families -- couldn't make it. Silencing Black parent voices is wrong and undemocratic.
Flood LAUSD with calls to say that you #StandUpForBaldwinHills. LAUSD wouldn't let us speak during their hearing, but they are definitely going to hear us now. Please help us save our programming at this innovative community public school where Black babies are learning and thriving. Call today and raise the volume.