Gov. Cuomo Don't Backtrack and Keep Your Promise!
**UPDATE:** Victory! Gov. Cuomo has signed an executive order appointing a special prosecutor for police killings. It is hard to put into words the historical significance of this victory. For more than 60 years, New Yorkers have fought for independent oversight in order to protect their loved ones — in order to protect Black lives. Click here to thank the families most impacted by police violence whose dedication and commitment lead to this victory.
For the past six months, families of New Yorkers who have been killed by police have been working hard to urge Gov. Cuomo to enact an executive order to appoint a special prosecutor for all police killings. After the families made several trips to New York’s state capital, led protests, and had a meeting with the Governor, Governor Cuomo announced he will issue an executive order to give Attorney General Schneiderman the authority to investigate and prosecute police killings. But there's a catch. Gov. Cuomo is now saying the special prosecutor appointment may only last one year and cover a limited set of incidents.1
This week, Cuomo's office is finalizing the details of the executive order, but by taking action we can ensure the most effective special prosecutor is put in place. Urge Gov. Cuomo to keep his promise to the families and sign the right executive order for a special prosecutor, with no time limits, full investigatory and prosecutorial powers in all police killings, and adequate resources.
1. Whether or not someone was in fact armed and dangerous is often in dispute and there are cases where evidence is planted/fabricated.