Yes 4 Minneapolis: Join The Y4M Coalition

If your organization wants to sign on in support of this people's petition for a Dept. of Public Safety, please fill out this form.
*Note: this form is for organizations, businesses, etc. to sign on. Individuals can support the Y4M campaign by donating, following Yes 4 Minneapolis on Twitter and Facebook, and attending Y4M events. Go to to find more info, and click here to view upcoming Y4M events.
A safe Minneapolis is one where everyone is healthy, housed, feels cared for, and does not have to fear police violence and racist incarceration. It will take a combination of community and government changes to build that world. One of the current barriers to building that world is the Minneapolis Charter which locks the city into a contract where police are the required, primary tool for “safety.” In order to reduce the power of the violent Minneapolis Police Department (MPD), we must change our city charter and create a Department of Public Safety.
Last summer we witnessed a global uprising against state-sanctioned violence that started right here in Minneapolis. We saw how collective action and mutual aid shifted the dynamics of power in our city when a supermajority of our council pledged to reduce the size, scope, and power of the Minneapolis Police Department. Tens of thousands of community members moved leaders and elected officials to reckon with the root causes of violence and we all collectively grappled with the long-standing urgency to abolish systems of violence, like the MPD.
Power does not concede without a demand — and with our demand to divest from policing and invest in communities, we made possible the impossible and gained popular support to reimagine public safety in Minneapolis. All of the strides we’ve made thus far earned us the confidence and community support to move forward with our Vote Yes Ballot initiative to finish the work we started in Summer 2020.
A Black-led, multiracial coalition of community organizations, Yes 4 Minneapolis, are proposing that the city create a new department that addresses community safety prioritizing a holistic, public health-oriented approach. This department would establish permanent infrastructure for violence prevention and transformative justice strategies as the primary way of creating public safety. The purpose of this shift is also to reduce the power of the police to enact violence on communities. The new Department of Public Safety would become a required department in the Minneapolis City Charter, and would include licensed peace officers as needed, and if necessary. Changing the charter is a critical first step to creating a Minneapolis where EVERYONE feels safe — regardless of income, race, or neighborhood.
If your organization wants to sign on in support of this people's petition, please fill out this form.
*Note: this form is for organizations, businesses, etc. to sign on. Individuals should visit for more info.
Have questions? Email, and we'll get your question to the right person.
*Note: this form is for organizations, businesses, etc. to sign on. Individuals can support the Y4M campaign by donating, following Yes 4 Minneapolis on Twitter and Facebook, and attending Y4M events. Go to to find more info, and click here to view upcoming Y4M events.
A safe Minneapolis is one where everyone is healthy, housed, feels cared for, and does not have to fear police violence and racist incarceration. It will take a combination of community and government changes to build that world. One of the current barriers to building that world is the Minneapolis Charter which locks the city into a contract where police are the required, primary tool for “safety.” In order to reduce the power of the violent Minneapolis Police Department (MPD), we must change our city charter and create a Department of Public Safety.
Last summer we witnessed a global uprising against state-sanctioned violence that started right here in Minneapolis. We saw how collective action and mutual aid shifted the dynamics of power in our city when a supermajority of our council pledged to reduce the size, scope, and power of the Minneapolis Police Department. Tens of thousands of community members moved leaders and elected officials to reckon with the root causes of violence and we all collectively grappled with the long-standing urgency to abolish systems of violence, like the MPD.
Power does not concede without a demand — and with our demand to divest from policing and invest in communities, we made possible the impossible and gained popular support to reimagine public safety in Minneapolis. All of the strides we’ve made thus far earned us the confidence and community support to move forward with our Vote Yes Ballot initiative to finish the work we started in Summer 2020.
A Black-led, multiracial coalition of community organizations, Yes 4 Minneapolis, are proposing that the city create a new department that addresses community safety prioritizing a holistic, public health-oriented approach. This department would establish permanent infrastructure for violence prevention and transformative justice strategies as the primary way of creating public safety. The purpose of this shift is also to reduce the power of the police to enact violence on communities. The new Department of Public Safety would become a required department in the Minneapolis City Charter, and would include licensed peace officers as needed, and if necessary. Changing the charter is a critical first step to creating a Minneapolis where EVERYONE feels safe — regardless of income, race, or neighborhood.
If your organization wants to sign on in support of this people's petition, please fill out this form.
*Note: this form is for organizations, businesses, etc. to sign on. Individuals should visit for more info.
Have questions? Email, and we'll get your question to the right person.
Any files that are uploaded will be shared outside of the organization they belong to.