#StopTrumpcare- Call undecided House Republicans now!
Republicans failed miserably at passing their first healthcare bill--now they're trying to pass Trumpcare under our noses again: a bill drafted by Republicans that will make healthcare in America even worse than it was in the Bush era. Trumpcare will give a major tax cut to the rich, force 24 million Americans to lose health insurance over the next 10 years, increase costs for the average American by $3,000 and allow insurance corporations to charge more for pre-existing conditions.
The bill is so bad that Republicans have exempted their own healthcare from it--they're actually trying to keep the Obamacare provisions that they want to take away from us. Moderate Republicans have already admitted that voting for Trumpcare will harm their constituents. But under pressure from the ultra-conservative Freedom Caucus, they may fold. We can stop Trumpcare. Call Undecided House Republicans now!