Wall Street and Billionaires are destroying Black Communities

Private equity firms swoop in to “save companies,” but in reality only line their pockets and put Black people employed by major retailers in serious financial danger. Black communities are left jobless, and Black families are left struggling once jobs close and the severance pay they’ve been promised doesn’t come.
The financial stability of Black families and communities should not be balanced on the whims of the super rich and their shady business practices.
The Stop Wall Street Looting Act will hold private equity firms accountable for the destruction they cause. We must fight corporate greed and protect our communities from losing jobs by pressuring congress to pass this legislation that will change tax and bankruptcy rules, and most importantly protect workers who are laid off.
Here is the Petition:
We urge you to pass The Stop Wall Street Looting Act, to address the core parts of the private equity business model that enable the harming of workers and communities, ending predatory practices of Wall Street Private Equity firms.