Here's the letter that we'll send to Senate Republicans on your behalf:
Tell Senate Republicans to stop hiding the Trumpcare bill now!
Senate Republicans are meeting about Trumpcare in private, refusing to answer questions from reporters, and have the bill on a swift track to be passed by July 4--all without showing it to the public.
Trumpcare, has an incredibly low approval rating of 25%. And it couldn’t be any clearer--the majority of Americans, Republican and Democrat alike, do not want Trumpcare to be the law of the land. Black folks, particularly, have a lot to lose if Trumpcare passes. More than 3 million of us gained coverage under Obamacare--now that’s in jeopardy. And if Republican Senators are able to write and pass dangerous bills like this while shrouded in secrecy, it could have serious implications for our health, our homes, and our Constitution-guaranteed freedoms.
Tell Senate Republicans to show us the bill and open the healthcare bill process up for public comment now!
Here is the Petition:
Dear Senate Republicans,
Passing Trumpcare without showing it to the public is a grave violation of cherished American values of transparency and democracy. Americans don’t vote Senators in so that they can secretly write and pass legislation. And when you try to pass a bill without showing us, you're making a choice to drown out the voices of your constituents to pass your own agenda--regardless of what the American people want. After all, Trumpcare, has an incredibly low approval rating of 25%. It couldn’t be any clearer--the majority of Americans, Republican and Democrat alike, do not want Trumpcare to be the law of the land. Show us the bill now.
[Your name here]