Tell Apple to restrict harmful payday lending apps

Predatory lenders are showing up in places you might never expect.
Payday lenders are no longer only providing loans through brick-and-mortar stores in Black communities. Payday lending mobile apps are experiencing a surge in popularity, and can be easily accessed through Apple's App Store. Much like payday loan stores, payday lending apps market themselves as quick fixes for low-income people. In reality, these apps trap people in loans with outrageous interest rates and impossible payment schedules.
As a Color Of Change member, you’ve supported us over the years as we’ve fought against payday lenders’ harmful practices. But the popularity of payday lending apps shows us that our work is far from over. Tech leaders like Google and Facebook have already taken steps to prohibit payday lending stores from advertising on their platforms. We want to see Apple step up and join this impactful work. If Apple restricts payday lending apps from appearing in the App Store, they can help to protect families of color and low-income people from being trapped in lifelong debt.
Here is the Petition:
To Apple:
Payday lending apps are experiencing a surge in popularity that is deeply concerning. Though they may seem harmless, payday lending apps use loans disguised as short-term relief to trap Black, Latinx, and low-income communities in debt in similar ways to brick-and-mortar payday loans. Between their high interest rates and their easy access through app stores, payday loan companies are able to financially destroy Black families and families of color through unmanageable terms, continual refinancing, and high default rates.
As one of the world's greatest technological leaders, you have the opportunity to demonstrate your commitment to the wellbeing of your customers. We’re asking that you restrict payday lending apps from appearing in the App Store and help to protect Black, Latinx, and low-income people from being trapped in lifelong debt.