Below is the letter we will send to MGM Television CEO, Mark Burnett:
Tell Mark Burnett and MGM Television to release the Trump tapes!

On Tuesday Morning, Trump took to Twitter to sexually harass Democratic senator Kirsten Gillibrand on Twitter, less than an hour after denying sexual harassment, assault, and rape allegations by nearly two dozen women. His comment lewdly suggested that Sen. Gillibrand would perform sexual favors to get a campaign donation from him.
While dozens of other politicians and celebrities continue to face consequence for their sexual misconduct - Trump continues to get a free pass. But pressure against Trump is mounting. Nearly 60 Democratic female lawmakers are calling for a formal investigation into Trump’s sexual misconduct.
With the possibility of an investigation into Trump’s sexual misconduct on the cusp of becoming a reality - we need all evidence of Trump’s misbehavior to be made public. This includes the still locked away Apprentice tapes that are reportedly “much worse” than Trump’s grotesque “grab ‘em by the p****” remarks and include Trump’s use of “the n-word.” These incriminating tapes are currently locked away by MGM Television CEO, Mark Burnett. As long as Mark Burnett and MGM Television keep these tapes locked away, they are colluding with this administration and enabling Trump’s predatory behavior. We deserve to know what’s on the Trump tapes.
Here is the Petition:
Dear Mr. Burnett,
Last year, footage from Access Hollywood revealed Trump bragging about committing sexual violence. Since then, Hollywood insiders like Bill Pruitt, ex-producer of Trump’s Celebrity Apprentice, have made clear that Trump’s grotesque remarks were just the tip of the iceberg--and that there are tapes from Trump's time on the Apprentice that are “much worse.”
With the possibility of an investigation into Trump’s sexual misconduct on the cusp of becoming a reality - it is critical that all evidence of Trump’s misbehavior be made public. Anything less than releasing the tapes is to cosign Trump’s disgusting and violent behavior.
The allegations of sexual misconduct against Trump are serious. If the Apprentice tapes contain evidence in support of those claims or reveal other predatory behavior, we deserve to know. We the undersigned call on you to immediately release the tapes.