Below is the letter we will send to Wisconsin state legislators:
Police violence is Gun violence. Demand #JusticeforJake and Invest In Our Communities Now.

--- UPDATE: 9/10/20 ---
On Aug. 31, Wisconsin Gov. Tony Evers called state lawmakers together for a special session to address police brutality and gun violence — but Republican legislators were a no-show.
Later this month, a small bipartisan group of WI state legislators is convening a “task force” to review several police accountability bills before the 2021 legislative session. We don’t want more delays — we want action and results, systemic change to reduce gun violence and protect Black Lives.
Demand this task force put forward meaningful police violence legislation before 2021 — and center the voices of affected communities in the process.
Color Of Change is standing with the Community Justice Action Fund, March for Our Lives, Amnesty International, Brady United Against Gun Violence, and others to demand that Wisconsin lawmakers take action to “Invest in Us.”
Jacob Blake was shot 7 times in front of his kids by Kenosha, WI police — and Wisconsin leaders continue to fund more police instead of investing in our communities to address violence.
We can change that. The day after Jacob Blake was shot by police, Wisconsin Gov. Tony Evers called for a special legislative session focused on reducing police brutality and gun violence.
The day after Jacob Blake was shot by police, Wisconsin Gov. Tony Evers called for a special legislative session focused on reducing police brutality and gun violence. That session was held on August 31 and it only lasted 30 seconds. And that’s because none of the Republican lawmakers showed up. Instead, they had the clerk open the meeting and then immediately close it.
Wisconsin lawmakers MUST take police violence seriously and put forward legislation that defends Black lives and invests in Black futures. Add your name to demand WI lawmakers take action to address policing and invest in our communities.
The Kenosha police officer who tried to kill Jacob Blake changed his life forever. Jake is now paralyzed from the waist down. His life will never be the same. His five children’s lives will never be the same. And while Jacob recovers in the hospital, his family is forced to demand action to end police brutality on his behalf.
Without real action and investment, Black lives will continue to be lost to police violence and gun violence in our neighborhoods. For decades, lawmakers have neglected to invest in our communities but have spent billions policing our streets. Instead of investing in violence prevention, we get more police with more guns and more violence.
That’s why Color Of Change is standing with the Community Justice Action Fund, March for Our Lives, Amnesty International, Brady United Against Gun Violence, and others to demand that Wisconsin lawmakers take action to “Invest in Us.”
Instead of putting more money into police departments, we’re demanding policymakers put money into our communities by investing 25 million dollars in violence prevention programs, education funding, mental health services, and gun violence prevention. That starts by taking real action during the August 31 Special Session.
To demand justice for Jacob Blake — and to build a more equitable state for all Black people — we have to pressure Wisconsin lawmakers to take action now.
Add your name: Demand Wisconsin leaders invest in real solutions to end gun violence and invest $25 million in communities, not policing.
Here is the Petition:
I'm demanding that you step up to end gun violence and invest $25 million in Wisconsin communities. The special session on policing held on August 31 was treated like a joke and your Black constituents deserve justice and safety.
We need Wisconsin leaders to step up, invest in our communities, and end gun violence now. Without real action and investment, Black lives will continue to be lost to police violence and gun violence in our neighborhoods. Instead of putting more money into violent policing, we’re demanding policymakers put money into our communities by investing in violence prevention programs, education funding, mental health services, and gun violence prevention.
The police accountability task force must put forward meaningful police violence legislation before 2021 — and center the voices of affected communities in the process.The eyes of the nation are on Wisconsin. We can't afford to miss this moment.