This is the message we'll send to the Federal Elections Commission on your behalf:
GEO Group paid Trump off. Now Sessions is filling their prison beds.

GEO Group, the largest and most profitable private prison company in the U.S., is capitalizing off of Trump's "Law and Order" agenda. And it all started because they gave Trump's campaign its big payoff during the 2016 presidential campaign.
Yes, GEO Group illegally donated to the Trump campaign. It is against federal campaign finance laws for companies that receive government contracts, to give political campaign contributions. And IT'S SCARY that the Federal Election Commission MIGHT fail to do its job by acting like it didn't happen in the first place. As soon as the Trump Administration's reigned in on the White House, U.S. Attorney General Jeff Sessions -- whose two former aides now work for GEO Group--immediately reversed the ban on federal private prisons. Soon after, GEO Group received contracts from the DOJ once again. To make it all worse, Jeff Sessions released a memo calling on 94 U.S. Attorneys to seek the harshest sentencing for drug offenses -- completely undoing years of transformative progress on sentencing reform.
This is the weakest and cruelest attempt by Sessions and the GEO Group to reignite the "War on Drugs" and make sure GEO Group's prisons are filled with as many of our people as possible. Why? So they can get rich off the imprisonment of Black people. The Federal Election Commission might turn a blind eye and could fail to conduct proper investigations on the private prison giant. The Campaign Legal Center have already filed a complaint--will you join us in demanding that the FEC open an investigation into GEO Group?
Will you sign the petition?
Here is the Petition:
Dear Commissioners of the Federal Elections Commission,
I call on you to do your job to thoroughly investigate the private prison company GEO Group. During the 2016 presidential election, they donated money to Trump's campaign. This is clearly in violation of campaign finance laws as they contract with the federal government and are prohibited from donating any funds to a political campaign.
Now they stand to gain tremendously from their illegal contribution because they will be making billions of dollars off of the mass incarceration of Black people. U.S. Attorney General Jeff Sessions just reversed the ban on federal private prisons despite clear evidence that these prisons do not work. GEO Group was the first private prison company to receive contracts for prisons once Sessions made the decision. What's more frightening Sessions has just ordered 94 U.S. Attorneys to seek out the harshest sentences for drug offenses -- erasing years of major progress on sentencing reform.
GEO Group stands to benefit from its own financing of the Trump Administration's "Law and Order" agenda. Please do the right thing and expose them for their fraud and attack on the integrity of the electoral system as well as the systemic harm it is causing Black communities.