Below is the letter we’ll send to members of the Memphis City Council:
Justice for Tyre Nichols

Police stole the life of another Black man.
On Jan. 7, Memphis Police Department officers pulled over Tyre Nichols, 29, for suspected reckless driving. Within minutes, they chased him, pinned him facedown on the asphalt and viciously beat him as he begged for his life. He died three days later from “extensive bleeding caused by a severe beating,” according to an autopsy report.
Video footage shows the officers giving Tyre a “savage” beating for three full minutes, treating him like “a human piñata.” Police Chief Cerelyn Davis fired all five officers, and prosecutor Steve Mulroy charged them with second-degree murder.
Let's be clear: Tyre should be alive right now. His 4-year-old son will grow up without his father. His parents must bury their son. We cannot allow police to continue killing our loved ones, destroying our families and tearing our communities apart.
On Jan. 28, the Memphis Police Department disbanded the SCORPION (Street Crimes Operation to Restore Peace in our Neighborhoods) police unit that killed Tyre Nichols.
But there’s still work to be done. That's why we're fighting back. We're calling on the Memphis City Council to take action. They have the power to intervene.
Here are our demands:
- End the practice of pretextual stops, and give the Community Law Enforcement Review Board (CLERB) the power to hold officers accountable
- Fund a civilian response unit
- Eliminate the Organized Crime Unit (OCU), and have transparency and oversight over all special units
Here is the Petition:
Dear Memphis City Council,
Tyre Nichols should be alive right now. His 4-year-old son will grow up without his father. We cannot allow police violence to continue killing our loved ones and destroying our families and communities.
That's why I'm looking to you to embrace a new vision for the community.
Here are our demands:
- End the practice of pretextual stops, and give the Community Law Enforcement Review Board (CLERB) the power to hold officers accountable.
- Fund a civilian response unit.
- Eliminate the Organized Crime Unit (OCU), and have transparency and oversight over all special units.
You have the power to ensure no one else loses their life to needless police violence at what should be a routine traffic stop. The time to act is now.