Below is the letter we will send Cook County State Attorney Bernie McCabe:Â
Stop "Stand Your Ground": Justice for Markeis

The controversial Florida Stand Your Ground law has sprung up again. This time the victim was 28 year old Markeis McGlockton, who was shot and killed in front of his partner and children over an altercation regarding a parking spot.
McGlockton, who was a black man, came out of the convenience store to find 47 year old Michael Drejka, who is a white man, in a threatening stance against his partner and children, arguing over the parking spot. Naturally, in defense of his family, McGlockton pushed Drejka away from the car and then backed away...but then, tragically, Drejka shot him. He later died from the injuries.
Now, once again a family is without a father and a community is left to question: when will Black Lives Matter?
Sheriff Bob Gualtieri has refused to file charges and therefore Drejka, a cold-blooded killer, roams free, while a family grieves. We are calling on State Attorney Bernie McCabe to do the right thing and file charges immediately!
Here is the Petition:
Dear Bernie McCabe,
We urge you to swiftly bring justice to the family and loved ones of Markeis McGlockton. The "Stand Your Ground" law is dangerous and should be a license to kill. Markies was just a person protecting his family. Your office has a responsibility to not let a killer go free. Your action as State's Attorney is important in ending this fatal and failed law, that has harmed so many families and our communities. We call on you to file charges against Michael Drejka immediately.