Below is the letter we’ll send to District Attorney Sherry Boston:
Tell DA Sherry Boston: Drop The Charges against the Cop City Protesters

During the past few months, law enforcement has charged more than 40 demonstrators with domestic terrorism for actively opposing “Cop City.”
Now three other activists working to stop the construction of the $90 million police training facility have been charged with “felony intimidation of an officer of the state and misdemeanor stalking" for placing flyers on mailboxes in a residential neighborhood 40 miles north of Atlanta. This retaliation against and criminalizing of “Cop City” protesters — and attempt to abridge their First Amendment rights — is not unheard of.
Now, dozens of people sit in jail awaiting trial on trumped-up charges. Separated from loved ones, they can’t work, provide for their families or see their children — all because they exercised their right to protest.
That's why we need DeKalb County District Attorney Sherry Boston to drop the charges. Can we count on you to join the fight?
Here is the Petition:
Dear District Attorney Sherry Boston,
During the past few months, law enforcement has charged more than 40 demonstrators with domestic terrorism for actively opposing “Cop City.” Now three other activists working to stop the construction of the $90 million police training facility have been charged with “felony intimidation of an officer of the state and misdemeanor stalking" for placing flyers on mailboxes in a residential neighborhood 40 miles north of Atlanta. This retaliation against and criminalizing of “Cop City” protesters — and attempt to abridge their First Amendment rights — is not unheard of.
Since Jan. 18, when Georgia State Patrol troopers and Atlanta Police Department (APD) officers shot and killed environmental activist Manuel “Tortuguita” Terán during a raid of an encampment set up by protesters, the situation has been intense. Autopsy results showed that no evidence of gunshot residue was found on Terán’s hands, refuting claims by police that Terán had fired at officers. From that day forward, APD cops have been quick to arrest people. On the same day of Tortuguita’s death, the APD went on a rampage, arresting and charging seven other protesters with domestic terrorism. The police didn’t stop there. Since December 2022, three sweeps by authorities have resulted in demonstrators being charged, arrested and detained.
You have the power to ensure no one is criminalized for exercising their right to protest. The time to act is now. Protect our communities.