Tell Attorney General Daniel Cameron: Release the transcripts! #JusticeforBre

We won’t stop saying Breonna Taylor’s name. And we won’t stop demanding justice.
Attorney General Daniel Cameron let Breonna’s killers get away with murder when he announced that the grand jury would not indict the three officers for killing her. Although her murderers will walk free, AG Daniel Cameron must be held accountable for failing to secure justice for Breonna.
A grand jury is a group of citizens who are selected to determine whether or not there is enough evidence to bring an indictment, or a formal criminal charge. Prosecutors, like AG Daniel Cameron, completely control the grand jury process. They ultimately select who will be on the grand jury, what evidence to present to them, and which witnesses to call to testify. And worst of all — they are kept secret and the information from them is almost always kept from the public, unlike other court proceedings. The secrecy that shrouds the grand jury process not only stands in direct conflict with a fair trial, but it also prevents us from holding elected officials accountable for who they decide to charge, and not charge.
Grand juries are yet another indication of how the criminal legal system fails Black people.
Though a grand jury proceeding is required for all felonies in Kentucky, prosecutors abuse the process by only presenting evidence that will influence the jury to let cops off the hook — like withholding key information and only calling witnesses favorable to killer cops. Consequently, grand juries almost never indict cops for killing Black people. Two grand juries decided not to indict the cops who killed Mike Brown and Eric Garner. Both juries deliberated behind closed doors and their conversations were entirely influenced by evidence that elected prosecutors put before them.
In the LMPD’s own investigation, they found that Officer Hankison "blindly" fired ten rounds into the apartment. And Daniel Cameron even reported that Officers Mattingly and Myles Cosgrove fired a total of 21 shots between the two of them. Many believed the cops would at least be charged with manslaughter. So, what did Daniel Cameron present to the grand jury for them to return no charges at all for Breonna’s murder?
That’s why we’re calling on Attorney General Daniel Cameron to release 1) the transcripts of the grand jury proceeding and 2) the gender and racial makeup of the grand jury that failed to indict Breonna’s killers.
Release the transcripts now!
Here is the Petition:
Dear Kentucky Attorney General Daniel Cameron,
I am infuriated by the announcement that the officers who killed Breonna Taylor will not be held accountable for her death.
The public deserves to know what evidence you presented to the grand jury and who was on the grand jury.
I am calling on you to immediately release 1) the transcripts and 2) the racial and gender makeup of the grand jury.
[Your Name]