Demand Comcast withdraw its Supreme Court challenge of our oldest civil rights statute.

Comcast NBCUniversal is petitioning the Supreme Court to challenge the integrity of the Civil Rights Act of 1866, our oldest civil rights statute. Such a decision would strike down centuries of civil rights progress. Without this landmark legislation, grounds of racial discrimination in business matters will be lost in legal technicalities, causing tremendous harm to Black people, Black businesses, and Black economic equality.
Comcast is standing on the wrong side of history and siding with a Department of Justice that has been openly hostile toward the civil rights of Black people. Black people already face extensive barriers in accessing justice and economic equality in this country, and this petition would serve only to let corporations off the hook for their discriminatory practices.
Demand Comcast NBCUniversal drop its Supreme Court petition.
Here is the Petition:
Dear Comcast,
Comcast NBCUniversal, we are calling on you to drop your Supreme Court petition challenging the Civil Rights Act of 1866. It is critical that you reconsider this petition, as grave harm could be brought to future generations of Black people and Black businesses trying to use the protections and civil liberties granted under this legislation.
An unfair ruling in this matter jeopardizes a critical tool to ensure the rights and liberties granted to Black people. This tool protects us from discrimination in obtaining homes and renting apartments, and protects our fair participation in society.
As a company that prides itself on its dedication to diversity, inclusion and the pursuit of civil rights, we call on you to immediately withdraw your Supreme Court petition.