Daniel Cameron failed. Demand he recuses himself and assign a special prosecutor.

**UPDATE 10/15/2020**
We are calling on Attorney General Daniel Cameron to recuse himself from Breonna Taylor's case. Unfortunately, Gov. Beshear does not have the power to replace Daniel Cameron.
Only Daniel Cameron can assign a special prosecutor in Kentucky — yes, Daniel Cameron, the same prosecutor who denied Bre justice once already!
We must demand Daniel Cameron recuse himself from the case and assign a new special prosecutor. We must do everything in our power to make the stakes high for Cameron, an elected official, where he has no choice but to answer our demands.
Take action and keep up the fight!
The Breonna Taylor grand jury tape recordings prove what we knew all along: Kentucky Attorney General Daniel Cameron let three cops get away with killing Breonna Taylor — and that was his plan ever since he was assigned the case. As long as he’s the prosecutor handling the case, we’ll never get justice for Bre.
Daniel Cameron is the biggest roadblock to our fight to hold the three Louisville police officers accountable. Here’s why:
Following Daniel Cameron’s announcement that he will not seek murder charges in Breonna Taylor’s death, he claimed at a press conference that he walked jurors through “every homicide offense, and also presented all of the information that was available.” This is a blatant lie. By his own admission on September 29 and the grand jury tape recordings, Cameron only recommended the "wanton endangerment" charge against just one officer for shooting at Bre’s neighbor’s apartment. He did not give the grand jury the option to consider murder charges and only presented evidence that would support his decision. Cameron recommended charges for just one officer, and it was for gunshots that missed Bre!
From the very beginning, Attorney General Daniel Cameron did everything he could to ensure a favorable outcome for the cops who murdered Breonna Taylor. Behind closed doors, he didn’t give the grand jury an option to charge the three LMPD officers with her murder. But in front of cameras, he blamed the jurors for the outcome of this case.
Let’s be clear: By recommending bogus “wanton endangerment” charges, AG Daniel Cameron let three killer cops off the hook for the murder of Breonna Taylor. By presenting only the evidence that supported his recommendation, Cameron denied justice to Breonna and her family.
Instead of fighting for his constituents — the people of Kentucky — Cameron chose to side with killer cops. We will not let Daniel Cameron get away with this. Cameron must go, and we must call for him to be removed from this case immediately.
This summer, the world rose up to demand accountability for our slain Black sister. Cameron ignored us and let the three killer cops off the hook.
Now, we’re calling on Governor Andy Beshear to immediately remove Daniel Cameron and appoint a special prosecutor to indict the officers who murdered Breonna Taylor.
Black communities deserve and demand elected officials who respond fairly to our calls for justice. And Daniel Cameron, who is elected, is failing us. We need justice for Bre. Period.
Here is the Petition:
Dear Attorney General Daniel Cameron,
I am calling on you to recuse yourself from the Breonna Taylor case.Rather than presenting an unbiased case to the grand jury for them to decide charges, you did not give jurors the option to charge the officers to the full extent of the law. Breonna Taylor deserves justice and the officers who took her life must be held accountable for their actions.
You must recuse yourself and assign a special prosecutor to handle the murder of Breonna Taylor now.Sincerely,
[Your Name]