Tell BlackRock CEO Larry Fink: stop funding the NYPD's attacks on protesters!

BlackRock is one the world’s largest financial institutions and its President, Larry Fink released a statement this weekend expressing sadness for the murder of George Floyd while claiming to be “committed to racial equity.” The problem? Larry Fink is a longtime donor and supporter of the New York City Police Foundation: a group that donates millions of dollars to NYPD each year--buying them surveillance technology, horses, and bomb-detonating robots. The same NYPD that has been driving trucks straight into crowds of peaceful protesters gathering to protest the murder of George Floyd.
At this moment in our nation’s history, there are no sidelines--Fink’s donation to the National Police Foundation isn’t an arbitrary gesture, he is effectively supporting and advancing the deep harm that Black communities face. We, the people, say no to corporations and CEOs who say Black lives matter in one breath while supporting our destruction in another.
Tell Larry Fink to stop supporting the New York City Police Foundation.
Here is the Petition:
We're calling on you to stop supporting the New York City Police Foundation. This weekend, you released a statement expressing sadness for the murder of George Floyd while claiming to be “committed to racial equity.” Because the New York City Police Foundation is an organization that donates millions of dollars each year to arm the NYPD with the military-grade weapons they are using against protesters as we speak, your support of this organization directly contradicts this commitment. The New York City Police Foundation is privately funded and armed by wealthy individuals like yourself, and exists to give the police force the space to do what they want, whenever they want, to whomever they want. While it’s easy to appreciate that you see the importance of publicly affirming your stance against racism, we are clear that it will take more than issuing a statement to meaningfully support our communities. That’s why we’re calling on you to put your money where your mouth is, and stop supporting the New York City Police Foundation today.