Below is the petition we will send to AT&T CEO, John Stankey.
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AT&T, Stop Funding the Far-Right Channel, One America Network (OAN)!

An in-depth investigative report into the conversative, far-right news channel One America News (OAN)--a channel where one correspondent called for the mass execution of election officials, another used a racial slur on air without consequence, and a third who suggested shooting unhoused people--recently revealed that AT&T has been a major reason for the success of the channel. OAN was a major vehicle for Trump while he was in office, and continues to provide a “friendly” platform for him and his allies. They broadcast tons of toxic information, including ate-filled anti-LGBTQ content, false information calling the 2020 presidential election results fraudulent, and a campaign discouraging the COVID-19 vaccine.
Watching television is one of the most important and influential ways we get our information. It is extremely harmful that AT&T, the largest communications company in the world, is enabling a television channel that not only reports false information, but emboldens hate and empowers white nationalists.
We cannot afford to allow AT&T to keep fanning the flames of white nationalism. Join us in demanding AT&T cut ties with One America News (OAN) and stop empowering white nationalists.
Here is the Petition:
Mr. Stankey:
As the world's largest communications company, and a company that just last year declared its commitment to Black Americans, equality, and fairness, it is gravely concerning that you air One America News (OAN). OAN's content is toxic and dangerous: it has been spewing hateful rhetoric, broadcasting election misinformation, encouraging white nationalist violence, and discouraging viewers from getting the COVID-19 vaccine, even as people die of the delta variant.
Watching television is one of the most important and influential ways consumers obtain information. It is extremely harmful that AT&T is enabling a television channel that not only reports false information, but emboldens hate and empowers white nationalists. We ask that you immediately drop OAN for the health and safety our communities.