The Washington PostDemocracy Dies in Darkness

St. Louis protests continue, police arrest more than 100 people and vow: ‘This is our city’

September 18, 2017 at 4:32 p.m. EDT
Violence erupts on the streets of St. Louis after a white former police officer was acquitted of murder in the shooting of a black suspect. (Video: Reuters)

Demonstrations continued Monday in St. Louis over the acquittal of a former police officer charged with murder, as marchers gathered for a protest just hours after authorities said they had arrested more than 100 people during a third consecutive night of unrest.

The protests, which authorities say have shifted toward vandalism and violence at night, have rocked St. Louis, where memories remain fresh of the mayhem that erupted in 2014 after a white police officer fatally shot a black teenager in suburban Ferguson. That shooting, and a later decision not to charge the officer, set off intense, sometimes violent protests, and it also marked the beginning of a wave of demonstrations against police use of deadly force that gripped cities across the country in recent years.