#FreeBresha Call Prosecutor Dennis Watkins

Thank you for demanding that all charges against Bresha Meadows are dropped. Dennis Watkins needs to hear from you in order to know that we demand that he free Bresha! Bresha is the victim of domestic violence and like many Black women and girls, Bresha was abandoned by a system that refused to protect her. Bresha Meadows deserves support, not a trial!

Sign up to use our tool below to call Prosecutor Dennis Watkins!

We'll connect you with Trumbull County Prosecutor Dennis Watkins. When his office answers you can read from the script below, or use your own words.

Introduce yourself and explain the issue:

  • Bresha Meadows is a child survivor of domestic violence who just turned 15 while incarcerated at the Trumbull County Ohio Juvenile Detention Center.
  • Bresha is charged with aggravated murder for defending herself, and her family from a father who had a long history of abusing them.
  • We demand that the Trumbull County Ohio Prosecutor’s office drop all charges against Bresha Meadows and release her immediately.

A couple of tips to keep in mind:

  • Be polite and calm. While we might be angry, we need to send a consistent message that can't be twisted to discredit us.
  • Stick to the message provided, but feel free to express it in your own words.
  • Read the script once or twice before calling, and even practice saying it aloud if you like.

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