Share this image to spread the good news about our powerful Prop 47 victory
Congratulations! On a tough election day, millions of Californians — including thousands of ColorOfChange members, our partners and allies — voted to approve the Prop 47 ballot initiative and turned the page on four-decades of misguided, incarceration-only policies, which have destabilized Black families and drained resources from Black and brown communities. After decades of harm caused by the state's mass incarceration agenda; California now finds itself a nationwide leader in sentencing reform!
Now is the time to celebrate this powerful victory and what it means for our state and the rest of the nation. Share this image and help spread the word about this voter-powered victory and to send a clear message to our leaders in government that we're organized and prepared to hold them accountable for policy and budget decisions that deviate from the intent and spirit of Prop 47.