Join us in sending this message to elected officials across the country:
Stand against 'Shoot First' laws

UPDATE (2-15-14) – Following the tragic shooting death of Jordan Russell Davis, a Florida jury has found his killer — Michael Dunn — guilty on four charges, including three for attempted second-degree murder, but they couldn't reach a verdict on the most significant charge — first-degree murder in the death of Jordan Davis.
Florida's controversial "Shoot First" law is still on the books. These dangerous laws legalize vigilante homicide and shield killers from dealing with the consequences of their actions. Please join us in calling on elected officials across the country to stand against "Shoot First" laws.
Here is the Petition:
It's time to end so-called "Stand Your Ground" laws and other such laws that undermine public safety, senselessly put people at risk, and enable the kind of tragedy we've witnessed in the cases of Trayvon Martin and Jordan Davis. I'm calling on you to take leadership and undo these dangerous laws now.