When babies are ripped away from their parents and put in cages, immigrants are attacked on every conceivable level and Muslims are banned from the country, civil disobedience is a duty.
Yet, instead of being the defenders of democracy that we need, establishment Dems are fighting against Maxine Waters for not being civil enough in the face of overwhelming bigotry and hatred. Democrats like Schumer and Pelosi have denounced Maxine Waters for calling on everyday people to push back against Trump's hateful political agenda. In the absence of real political leaders, we must protect the few we have. Maxine Waters is right, and right now, she is being attacked by Trump and the GOP as they move to censure her and demand her resignation. We need more people courageous enough to #BeLikeMaxine
Sign onto our petition and write a comment letting the Dems know that we need more leadership like Maxine Waters to fight hate.