Below is the letter we will send to the Oklahoma Council on Law Enforcement and Training (CLEET):
Betty Shelby must be banned from training law enforcement.

The officer who shot and killed Terence Crutcher is leading certified trainings for law enforcement--and it has to stop. Former Tulsa Police Officer Betty Jo Shelby is now employed at Rogers County Sheriff Department and has been traveling the training circuit to prepare cops "financially and mentally" for what happens when they murder Black people. On Tuesday, August 28, 2018, she had the audacity to show up and offer this so-called training to law enforcement in Tulsa, OK-- the same place where she killed Terence in September 2016.
Deputy Shelby is not qualified to teach a course entitled “Surviving the Aftermath of a Critical Incident.” Shelby has repeatedly referred to herself as a victim and villanized Terence's family and community members who called for justice. Part of her course includes preparing cops to pack a "go bag" in case they have to flee due to community response to police violence. This is not the kind of training that any police officers anywhere should receive. Attendees actually receive continuing education credit for this course.
We are calling on the Oklahoma Council on Law Enforcement and Training (CLEET) to de-certify her course so that she is not able to spread her anti-Black propaganda. In a country where police officers are rarely held accountable for murdering people and are often financially rewarded, this represents a huge step in the wrong direction. We need police to stop killing our communities, not to be taught how to mitigate the community response.
Here is the Petition:
Dear Council on Law Enforcement and Training,
We ask that you rescind former Tulsa Police Officer Betty Shelby's CLEET certification for a course she is teaching entitled “Surviving the Aftermath of a Critical Incident” on the grounds that she is not qualified to teach the course. On September 16, 2016 former Officer Shelby shot and killed Terence Crutcher, an unarmed Black man. After she was acquitted of manslaughter charges the Tulsa Police Department removed her from active duty and transferred her to an administrative position. They knew she was a danger to the community. Also, there is pending litigation against her for wrongful death. It is inappropriate to allow her to teach this course with litigation pending.
Further, Officer Shelby is not qualified to teach this course because she maintains that she was the real "victim." In the aftermath of her trial, she appeared on 60 minutes and blamed Terence for her choice to shoot him. This is not the kind of training that any police officers anywhere should receive. We need police to stop killing our communities, not to be taught how to mitigate the community response. Please de-certify Deputy Shelby's course now.