Lou Dobbs to Quit CNN

Lou Dobbs, the longtime CNN anchor, said Wednesday that he is leaving the cable news channel effective immediately. Robert Caplin for The New York Times Lou Dobbs, above, at the anchor desk at CNN’s New York studio in 2006, said Wednesday that he is leaving the cable news channel effective immediately.

Lou Dobbs, the longtime CNN anchor whose anti-immigration views have made him a TV lightning rod, said Wednesday that he is leaving the cable news channel effective immediately.

Sitting before an image of an American flag on his studio set, he said “some leaders in media, politics and business have been urging me to go beyond the role here at CNN and to engage in constructive problem solving as well as to contribute positively to the great understanding of the issues of our day.”

“I’m considering a number of options and directions,” Mr. Dobbs added. A transcript of his remarks is available here.

Jonathan Klein, the president of CNN/U.S. said in a statement that “Lou has now decided to carry the banner of advocacy journalism elsewhere.”

“All of us will miss his appetite for big ideas, the megawatt smile and larger than life presence he brought to our newsroom,” Mr. Klein said.

Wednesday’s program will be Mr. Dobbs’s last on CNN. His contract was not set to expire until the end of 2011. He told viewers that CNN had agreed to release him from his contract early.

CNN indicated that it would name a replacement for Mr. Dobbs on Thursday morning.

Mr. Dobbs informed his staff members of his intentions in a meeting Wednesday afternoon, catching some of the staffers off-guard.

Well known for his political positions, Mr. Dobbs is an outlier at CNN, which has sought to position itself as a middle ground of sorts in the fractious cable news arena. The CNN employees said Wednesday that they did not know if Mr. Dobbs was moving to another network.

Mr. Dobbs met with Roger Ailes, the chairman of the Fox News Channel, in September. At the time Mr. Dobbs was viewed as a potential hire for the Fox Business Network. But a Fox representative said Wednesday, “We have not had any discussions with Lou Dobbs for Fox News or Fox Business.”

Mr. Dobbs has been with CNN since its founding, save for a two-year stint at a Web site called Space.com. He has evolved over the years from a straight-laced business anchor to an outspoken commentator who rails against illegal immigration and taxpayer bailouts, among other subjects.

Lately, though, he has saved most of his opinions for his afternoon radio show, which made its debut in March 2008. It is on the radio show that he talked repeatedly about the conspiracy-theory claims that President Obama is not a United States citizen. When he mentioned the citizenship issue on CNN over the summer, his bosses were forced to call it a “dead issue.”

More recently, Mr. Dobbs’s views on immigration provoked a protest by Hispanic groups. Members of the groups complained that CNN was allowing Mr. Dobbs “to spread lies and misinformation about us each night.”

Wednesday evening, the advocacy group Presente.org, which had called on CNN to fire Mr. Dobbs, declared a “victory.”

“Our contention all along was that Lou Dobbs — who has a long record of spreading lies and conspiracy theories about immigrants and Latinos — does not belong on the ‘most trusted name in news,'” Roberto Lovato, a co-founder of Presente.org, said in a statement. “We are thrilled that Dobbs no longer has this legitimate platform from which to incite fear and hate.”

Last month, the New Jersey State Police were called to Mr. Dobbs’s home to investigate a report of gunfire. Mr. Dobbs suggested that his family had been singled out because of his views on illegal immigration and border security.

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Goodbye Lou – go to Faux “news” where you belong. You won’t be missed.

Does he have political office ambitions?

If it’s true, this merits large scale celebration. I won’t believe it until I actually see it happening though…

Good for him! I love Lou Dobbs and he is doing the right thing by leaving the CNN sinking ship. I hope FOX news offers him a job and gets rid of Shep Smith & Geraldo.

He’s a much better fit at Fox…where concepts like impartiality and rational thinking are mocked. Plus now Hannity and O’Reilly can interview him about those liberal bullets that hit his house!

CNN lost a lot of credibility by keeping this bozo around.

Great CNN, get rid of all smart, provocative journalists and become just a repeater service. Lou is human but he is also really smart. He asks tough questions. Who do you have on your bench to ask these tough questions? Who do you have that doesn’t just follow the story of the day but digs deep? Anyone? Buhler?


Good riddance you flatulent old gas-bag!

Looking forward to your replacement – anybody will be an improvement….


He is a perfect fit for Fox News. Next Blitzer and CNN becomes the only unbiased news channel.

Long overdue. I used to respect Lou when he was doing Moneyline back in the late 80s and early 90s, but he jumped the shark in recent years and became more and more extremist and populist in his views. Real news has no place for this kind of activism, and if CNN has any hope for being taken seriously again, this is a good first step.

Now if CNN will start doing actual news and probing topics that matter in depth (instead of wasting days of valuable time on meaningless stories like Balloon Boy and Michael Jackson’s death), then maybe they have a chance…

his anti-immigration tirades is not news.

Awesome! Let’s hope this departure is one that goes off as scheduled. (Don’t let the door hit you on the way out.)

Not a fan,

Good news for ‘real’ news but bad news for CNN as Dobbs was one of their few presenters with high ratings and who was making money for them

Hasta la vista Lou………..

Nothing “middle ground” about CNN-liberal all the way, just not as liberal as MSNBC.

Ok so now I can watch CNN again

Very timely…not sure about “Mr. Independent’s” balanced and nonbiased views, so to speak!

And you think CNN, NBC and the rest tell both sides of the story more than fox? LOL. Wake up you drone!

His show was the only program I hate to watch at CNN. Other than CNN looks good to me. Bye Mr Lou, won’t miss you. CNN should be better of without you.

He was the only CNN person worth listening to. The ratings of CNN, already the lowest ever, will now sink to levels too low to count. They will be “out-watched” by the other CN – The Cartoon Network.

Good Luck, Lou. You lost your mind years ago when you starting seeing (illegal) aliens as threats to your silver-spoon existence. You got it wrong, Lou. They are no threat to the US, and immigrants have formed the backbone of this country since its founding. And it ain’t gonna stop because because of any law (or fence) from Washington, DC. Get used to it.

Remember when his show was called “Moneyline with Lou Dobbs” ??

This article should have pointed out his gradual evolution from business interests to right-wing paranoia.